Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Goals By Month...Sort Of

Today I made some progress in filing my goals under the appropriate month it should be done. I'll print this out and put it in my Homemaking Binder to keep at a glance if I need it.

January -
-make sure garden catalogs are ordered
-go through binders and get them in order
-decide what I will plant this year
-plot garden
-plan garden enlargement/make list of supplies needed to move    electric fence
-order seeds
-study breeds of turkeys
-decide when to order roosters
-check out hoophouses and purchase needed item
-Plan items to launch wood biz

February -
-organize planting tools and gather all necessary supplies
-plot new flower bed
-plan where to move clothesline
-decide/ask Arlene-when to plant what and chart dates

March -
-move electric fence and wires in vegetable garden
-raking and yard cleanup
-clean chicken and duck coops
-spring cleaning inside house

April -
-prepare vegetable beds/till new or turn over soil
-prepare new herb garden boxes (if I use them again)
-move perennials to front
-prepare for turkeys and roosters
-plant peas

May -
-plant annuals
-plant veggies

June -
-prepare hog pens
-clean chicken and duck coops

July -
-can green beans
-freeze zucchini
-freeze yellow squash

August -
-can peaches
-make jam

September -
-clean chicken and duck coops

October -

November -

December -
-butcher hogs

As you can see, I don't quite have all my months figured out. I have never written down everything that needed to be done before and I'm seriously trying to remember what to do when! Isn't that bizarre! At any rate, I have this month figured out and I can add to this list as I go. I need to talk to Dave about where to put some things we're planning on doing.

So that is that, tomorrow I will try to get some daily things worked out. I have homeschool and home chores to fill in along with many other daily activities. This task really is good though because it's making me way more accountable and forcing me to keep on top of things.

Here on the home-sweet I did manage to maintain what I've started and got a couple of loads of laundry done. Another good clothesline day. Tomorrow we'll have rain/ice so I'll have to hang everything in the basement.

One thing we're planning on doing, Lord willing, is to start a small business selling handmade wooden furniture and accessories. I can tell more about it later, I'm excited about it all. I don't have the site ready yet, there's another thing to add. I mention it on the side bar, it's Home Sweet Things dot com .It will be benches, stools, laundry items, tables and candle holders, window boxes and such. Also in the mix I'd like to do some crochet and fabric work. Big plans that will only work if things are very organized!

The photos in this post were taken of my flowers and gardens in 2007! I thought it would be a nice remembrance and also makes me think of my garden plot makeover in the front of my yard to make room for animals this year!

I want to take this time to thank God for showing me all the areas I need to concentrate on to make this Home-Sweet run smoothly and peacefully. He never leaves us in our mess, but wants us to succeed in Him. Praise Him!

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