Proverbs 31:27..."She watches over the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness."
We know this chapter as the one containing the biography of the Virtuous Woman. She is one busy Mama! There is no slacking off on her part. She is on the same page as her husband and totally committed to his well-being, orderly, in charge, works with her hands, rises while it is yet night to prepare food for her family and a portion for her maidservants, she buys fields with her profits from her home business (she makes linen garments and sashes and sells them to merchants-v. 24), she blesses the poor, all her household are clothed well (physically and spiritually), she is wise, she is kind, she is watchful, she is not idle, and her husband and children praise and bless her.
I've got a long way to go. But I'm not kicking myself, I am merely stating the truth. I'm still learning the first part-laying down my will for the benefit of my husband-to be his suitable helper. God knows I am trying to be teachable.

Next-orderly. I am very artsy...which is another way to say...um...cluttery. I collect things-like a magpie. If it's rusty, shiny, glittery, glass, ceramic, wood, metal, cloth, yarn, thread, beady, papery...you name it...I can think of some artsy use for it. Hence, the reason it is taking me ever so long to make the big "studio" switch. It's still dragging on...move a little down to the basement...paint another section of basement wall...move and paint, move and paint. But I will say...it's coming along-however slowly...each day I progress...and that's what it's all about. I actually have a vision for the new studio...which is a good thing! It's about moving forward, and it's not a race.
So far this week, I've been busily working on my "mission"-which is...getting things down to a system here. I haven't read any more in the Pam and Peggy book...but I know the plan and I am working on making up my index cards as I go. I will use them until I am comfortable enough to transform it all to a control journal/office in a bag (Flylady). Right now the cards help me keep focused. Though I am still setting the timer-I have to. I tend to overdo it and then this fibro flares and I am in trouble.
I did accomplish alot Monday and today. It just brought me so much joy to know what I was doing was blessing my family. I am beginning to see how this will come together. One step at a time, one card at a time. I have the major part of it all done before my husband walks in the door. I might have to fold laundry after dinner, but that's no big deal. Once my house is totally in order (under control), I know I will have the freedom to begin sewing again! This is my secondary goal, the first is to bless my husband and family!

I even know what I'm making for dinner all week! This saves frustration. I plan on making a month's worth of menus and using it twelve times. This should save time for me. It makes me feel so good when Dave asks me what's for dinner and I can give him the answer he wants to hear, instead of the "I don't know" I used to say.
I'm reading a book called "Toxic Relief" and feel one of the next steps I need to do to make my home healthier is to get rid of all chemical-based cleaning supplies. This fibromyalgia is no joke. I feel chemical overload is part of it. So, the first step I am taking is to "de-chemical" my home. I will be on a quest to find natural alternatives. This should be interesting!
I'm sure you've all seen this recipe for laundry soap:
Fels-Naptha Laundry Soap
-Use 1/2-3/4 cup per load
-50 cents per gallon
This is an old-timey recipe and easy to make. The resulting consistency is somewhere between a gel and a liquid, making it easy to use.
For a two gallon plastic pail: grate half a bar of Fels-Naptha soap. Heat and dissolve in 3 pints of water. Remove from heat and stir in 3/4 Cup Borax ad 3/4 Cup washing soda (not baking soda. It is available at a reasonable price from some smaller grocers and supermarkets-you may have to look around for a source near you.) Mix well. Mixture will thicken. Pour 1 quart hot water into a 2-gallon plastic pail. Add Fels-Naptha solution, stirring well. Fill pail with cold water. Stir occasionally. Ready to use in 24 hours. Makes enough for 48-64 loads. For a 5-gallon plastic pail, use 1 1/4 bars of Fels-Naptha, 1 7/8 Cups Borax, and 1 7/8 Cups washing soda.
I will start researching and see what I come up with as far as other household cleaning supplies. I'll keep you posted! If you have any good recipes, let me know!

It is such a pleasure for me to be at this stage in my life. To be content being at home and not feeling like I need to run out into the world to make money. I know it will all come together when the time is right. The wonderful thing is that it is entirely the Lord's doing...rather than doing it in my own strength...I am operating in the joy of the Lord...which, in turn, is my strength. When I'm having a flare I don't have much of my own physical strength, and I find that when I ask the Lord for His help, it is there. It is a supernatural event-this newfangled thing (for me) of fulfilling Proverbs 31 by the Spirit of the Lord!

There is no substitute for being in the absolute will of your Heavenly Father. No peace anywhere else or any other way than following His Holy Direction. Wait upon the Lord, seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and each day-each moment-He will bless you with exactly what you need. Today's equivalent of "Fresh Manna". It's there, new and fresh each second-as you need it-just stay with the Cloud by day and the Fire by night!
May God bless you as you seek Him. You will receive from His Spirit-joy and strength-to aid you as you look well to the ways of your Home-sweet things. x0
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