I won't write much tonight Dear Friends. It is late and I am tired and my pillow calls my name. I still need to do the rest of my dishes and set up the coffee for Dave in the morning-my husband who, no matter how he feels, gives of himself, as he has done for years, to bless and provide for his family.
I received my first Fay Inchfawn book in the mail today. It is called "Think of the Lilies." It is a collection of her works over the years. It's copyright is 1970. She was older and still had much to share from the wisdom she had gained over the years. Here is something from the book:

Think of the Lilies
by Fay Inchfawn
These lines are a tribute to the unknown person who remembered not so much the doctrinal words of Jesus but just this thought about the lilies.
Whenever they met together
That favoured company
Who had heard the Lord of the Ages
Say: 'Come and travel with me!'
Whenever they met together
To talk in the after days
They would retell to each other
His wonderful words and ways.
Tides great and deep were moving
Stirring the souls of men-
And words which the Master had spoken
Were passing precious then.
His close friends-Philip and Andrew-
His chief friends-Peter and John-
Had stored up marvellous treasure
Which they could draw upon.
But who, I wonder, remembered
That once on a summer day
Jesus said: 'Think of the lilies
Growing their beautiful way.'
It was surely some flower-lover
Who kept those words in mind.
It may have been a woman
Whose face was worn and lined.
It is likely she had been spinning
Till sundown the day before.
It is likely she had been grinding
Corn for her larder store.
And still she was anxiously planning
How to get food and clothes-
Enough for the needs of her household.
And that was the moment He chose
For saying: Think of the lilies.
And then, as she looked on His face
All her anxiety vanished
And left itself not a trace.
No wonder she told her story
With a rapt and radiant look.
No wonder Think of the lilies
Was written down in the Book.

When I read this, I just knew I had to share it. If you are anything like me, you ponder bills and provisions and make lists and budgets and check pantry stock and wonder where and how it will all be provided.

And then...just as I am about to wonder again...the wonderful Word of the Lord comes to me. I remember the part about casting my cares upon Him for He cares for me and I remember the lilies and I remember the birds and that every hair on my head is numbered. And then the Holy Spirit reminds my heart of the verse I am to live by: "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto me." Plain and simple, no worrying required.

Keep your eyes on Him, on His Kingdom and He will take care of the rest. He takes care for us because we were not meant to have cares. He has provided the way for us to remove every burden of this kingdom, of which we are to be strangers. Let us look on His face and every anxiety will vanish.
As the song says:
"Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace."
Lord, help us to learn to trust you to take full care of us. Teach us how to lay down our worries and cares at your feet and leave them there. Remind us that worry is not a fruit of your Spirit. Let us understand that You, our Love, always protect us and You never fail. Thank you Lord, that you taught us to consider, to think on the lilies and the sparrows-and that You told us God cares for us more than them. Oh that we could look on Your face and have full understanding of You. Amen

Bless God for His provision to us, His children. Praise Him as He provides you with what you need for the Home-sweet things. Good night! x0
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