Today is Lydia's 13th birthday. On any one of my children's birthdays, I spend time pondering the whole event. Lydia was two weeks overdue. I was supposed to have her here at home, and she just wasn't budging. I was scheduled to go first thing in the morning to the hospital about an hour away to be induced. I was not looking forward to this because my firstborn was induced and it was not a pleasant experience (which is why I had the rest of my children at home-with the Lord's blessing!) Anyhow...my first two children were two weeks late, so I really wasn't worried. And wouldn't you know it...at about 2 a.m. I woke up to contractions and had her around 8 a.m. She weighed over 9 lbs and I was just so glad to have her at home. Imagine my relief when I called the Dr. early in the morning to tell him I was having her at home after all. I think he was disappointed-he was not an advocate of home-birth. And there she was, my sweet little (?) baby. And now she's 13. So grown up and still sweet. She is a joy and a help to me and a lovely young lady. I love her dearly!
So, after the Dr. and the library, I ran to Price Chopper to get cupcakes to bring to Lydia's class at the private school. Yes, I bought cupcakes. I would have made them myself, but the night before I was fitting my cousin who is soon to be married in her wedding gown here, and adjusting buttons and seeing if we needed to hem it. But we are saved on the hemming-all I have to do is move some buttons and it's done! Since we haven't seen each other for awhile, we sat and chatted about marriage and home making and having babies and drank tea and visited. Hence, no cupcakes.

After delivering the cupcakes, we went to put gas in the car and my MIL treated me to a cheeseburger. I ran home, made meatloaf (forgot the onions!) and ran with Dave to the Dr. Came home and finished dinner and I'm writing early so I can go to bed earlier than I have in the past couple of weeks.
Tomorrow is another day foiled as far as housekeeping goes. I am going with a friend to the hospital while her daughter has a sonogram. The hospital is about an hour away, near NYC. So, that will take a bit of time. I'm sure I'll be pooped when I get home. Why does travel take so much out of a girl? Nowadays anyway! We shall have a nice visit in spite of the trip.
I did reserve three wonderful sounding books at the library:
The Encyclopedia of Country Living by Carla Emery
Storey's Basic Country Skills: A Practical Guide to Self-Reliance by John and Martha Storey
The Self-Sufficient Life and How to Live It by John Seymour and Deirdre Headon
All found here. I will purchase them one at a time if I think they are something that will be beneficial to our quest to homestead as much as possible here on this little, tiny piece of earth.

I am so psyched. This winter I will work at a gardening plan better than the one we had this year. There is alot to take into consideration. Besides the planting, there is the weeding and the work of harvesting and preserving. It is not easy, it is very time consuming. But so worth it in the long run. One thing I need to do over the winter is invest in canning jars. I gave all mine away years ago when I thought I'd never can again. And we've gone around that mountain haven't we???

I have been sharing Fay Inchfawn poems and prose on here lately...I discovered her quite by accident. I think her poetry is dear. It speaks to me on my level, where I am at right now in my life. She's written about 37 books. Little by little I would like to collect them (see...here I go!) But...her writings are so personal and touching that I would like to have the collection to use in my work somehow. As soon as I get something, I will share it with you. I hope you are enjoying her prose as much as I am. It just speaks to my heart. The photo above is of her. Fay Inchfawn is the pen name of Mrs. E. R. Ward. (1880-1978). Depicted and known to thousands as 'A Homely Woman'. I will share more on her as I learn it.
Here is one of her poems:
Sometimes, when everything goes wrong;
When days are short and nights are long,
When wash day brings so dull a sky,
That not a single thing will dry.
And when the kitchen chimney smokes,
And when there's none so "old" as folks;
When friends deplore my faded youth,
And when the baby cuts a tooth
While John, the baby last but one,
Clings round my skirts till day is done;
And fat, good-natured Jane is glum
And butcher's man forgets to come.
Sometimes I say, on days like these
I get a sudden gleam of bliss.
Not on some sunny day of ease
He'll come...but on a day like this.
No day is perfect, nor will it ever be (although once in awhile we think that day the best ever)! But Jesus will return when the time is right, we do not know when this will be. Let us take each moment into account and see to it that we are thankful in each thing that comes our way-knowing that by the time it gets to us, God is already at work. "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. "Romans 8:28

Lord, help us to understand that "all our times are in Your hands". Let us draw near to you, and yet nearer. Let us see You in the faces of our loved ones and let our loved ones see You in our face. Let our hands minister love to those about us, and let us always speak blessings upon those who hear our voice. Make me an instrument of Your peace.
May the Lord teach us to be wholly set apart for His work and His glory. May we look for His coming, even as we go about our tasks for the Home-sweet things. x0
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