Spring has always been such a joyous time for me. As I'm sure it has for many. Winter is pretty, at first, but it's all so long and this year was especially gray, wet, icy and cold. I, for one, am so very glad it's over!!
Yes, I know that we have April Showers coming soon...but they bring May Flowers and that is so very wonderful in my book.

I've been doing my research this winter, reading and asking questions. I'm trying to learn the ins and outs of starting my own seeds so I don't have to buy the plants from a greenhouse. I want to be able to take that little sprout from start to finish.

I've been asking my sister-in-law alot of questions and started writing down some of her answers. She's been feeding her family with her own produce for 25 years and has always has so much success. That's the kind of person I want to inspire me. The successful kind.

Well, Lisa Vitello over at New Harvest Homestead was looking for someone to send little articles on seed-starting for the March/April 2009 newsletter. I got brave and asked if I could send one on Seed-Starting for Beginners. I thought I would interview my sister-in-law Arlene and get the whole process down on paper, then share it with Lisa's subscribers. The issue is out and you can get your copy from her at the link above. I enjoy the newsletter, it's got lots of neat advice and recipes and stories. Anyone who has the heart to homestead, no matter how much land you have, would be blessed by this publication.
Tomorrow I am hoping to start some of my seeds. I've got to get my containers together and my other tools. I've got my seeds, my soil, the want-to, and I think, the know-how! With my new-found knowledge...I will be able to finally grow my own plants from my own seeds! I'll keep you posted as time goes on and let you know how it's all progressing.
We went on another wonderful weekend to Lancaster this past weekend. It is a special place for us. We also got to visit the kind folks at Charity once again and were blessed to make some more friends. We always come home in the presence of the Lord after fellowshiping there.
I'll post the photos in the morning, I only got a couple this time because we were so busy and my passenger-side window won't go down right now. But we'll be going again and by then the beautiful gardens should be growing and I will be sure to photograph the lovely gardens.
This post will come up before spring... as it's only 11:46 here in NY...but tomorrow it will officially be spring and well, forgive me if I'm a bit early.
Never forget to praise God through the winter as He will always send you spring in His time. Praise Him!

The Home-Sweet Things are ready to begin another season of rebirth and renewal-I wonder what's in store for this new season upon us? Bless His Holy Name. x0
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