On a beautiful, sunny and warm November 14th day-26 years ago-my husband and I exchanged vows and became husband and wife. 26 years is not so long to someone married 40 or 50 years-but I feel it's an accomplishment nonetheless. I was a young girl of 19 and he was 20. We were so very naive. We didn't know the Lord and I guess we thought we could get along just fine without Him. I was thinking today how happy I am that God the Father grabbed ahold of me when I was 23. Then He grabbed ahold of Dave and He has been so very good to us and kept us. I could not imagine life without Him now.
One of my sons' friends once told me that Dave and I were "like the only parents still married." I was so sad to know that and it made me feel the importance of a godly marriage. In a day when divorce is rampant, 26 years seems like a lifetime to a teenager.
We didn't do anything grand or marvelous today. We ordered pizza and wings and our daughter Jynette was here and we visited and ate together.
This little poem reminds me of how women wait for their husbands to come home whether they are away or just away from home working for the day. You look for them when it gets time for them to arrive home. When the children were little, I remember them waving ever so long at their Daddy from the window when he was leaving for work, Dave would stop in the road to wave at them from the car. Then when it was time for him to come home from work, how they would greet him at the door!

No little feet run to greet him at the door now. Well, no human feet. We have a little chihuahua named "Taco" or "Mr. T" who absolutely claims Dave as his buddy...and he hears Dave every time he pulls up by the house when he gets home from work. He gets so excited that Dave's home. This alerts me too and I greet him at the door.

It matters to a husband to have his wife consider him the most important thing when he gets home. I try to stop what I'm doing and take a bit of time with Dave, asking about his day and just showing him that he matters. I've had all day to do things my way, now I'm taking a bit of time to let Dave know he's most important to me. It makes a big difference when I give him preference in this way. It is the one part of the day we get to spend time relaxing together. I'll pour some tea and take some quiet time. I like to visit with Dave, we talk about all kinds of things. I've learned so much from him over the years. He's full of life-skill lessons and I am blessed to be his bride. Here's the poem:

His step? Ah, no; 'tis but the rain
That hurtles on the window pane.
Let's draw the curtains close and sit
Beside the fire awhile and knit.
Two purl -- two plain. A well-shaped
And warm. (I thought I heard a knock,
But 'twas the slam of Jones's door.)
Yes, good Scotch yarn is far before
The fleecy wools -- a different thing,
And best for wear. (Was that his ring?)
No. 'Tis the muffin man I see;
We'll have threepennyworth for tea.
Two plain -- two purl; that heel is neat.
(I hear his step far down the street.)
Two purl -- two plain. The sock can
I'll make the tea. (He's at the gate!)
Lord, let us all be thankful for our husbands and those we care about. Help us to remember to let them know how much we enjoy spending time with them. Help us to see there is nothing else so important to us as them. Help us to allow You to direct our lives according to Your Word. Thank you so much Lord for Your gifts to us. Amen
God bless you as you set about your day. Bless you as you wait upon loved ones to return to the home-sweet things.