What a beautiful day it was outside today! Even though I spent most of the day inside getting ready for tomorrow's Bible study, I got to enjoy little pieces of it while hanging clothes, etc. on the line. In order to save money on propane, Dave made me this new clothes line. I am able to hang 3-5 loads of laundry on it at a time. It really comes in handy when I am gung-ho on laundry day!
Today I washed a box of sheer curtains I bought at an estate sale last month. I tried to get out of there without too much. I bought a couple of chenille bedspreads-which really bring back memories of Grandma's farm. The box of curtains. A "Last Supper" paint by numbers...big mural. I was pleased with my purchases, but didn't really need any of it. I almost sold them at my yard sales, but didn't.

I couldn't resist taking pictures of the lines of sheer curtains hanging out to dry. In a perfect world they wouldn't have wrinkled in the washer. But, alas, my world is not perfect. If I was a real stickler...I'd take them down tomorrow, iron them, stick them back on and take new pictures with them nice and unwrinkled. But I'm not going to worry about it. Wrinkles happen. Still, there's something a lineful of sheers does to me. My Grandma's always had sheers. I can remember being mesmorized by the sheers blowing in the windows on a breezy day or during a storm. Those memories are dear to me.

There is a neat set with blue flowers I think I'll hang in my dining room. Two sets of sheers and valances. Then there's the red dot ones. How fun. Lydia has claimed them for her room. I think they're my favorite! There are others I'm not sure I'll keep-too much orange in them for me-definitely 70's. I'm going for a softer, plainer, brighter look. I think for now-I'll try the blue flower ones. If I don't like them, I have two each of some long white on white sheers that will be just as pretty and much plainer.

I'll probably iron them on Saturday. I love ironing. I love starching and ironing.
Praise God for the wrinkles and praise Him when He irons them out!! Praise God for the blessings of the home-sweet things!
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