Thursday, December 13, 2007


The Lost House
Fay Inchfawn

It was not the sort of a house where He
Could enter and belong,
He had not been invited, for
This was a house where wrong
Flaunted itself without disguise
Openly, unsahamed--
The wrongness which the Holy Book
Says never should be named

But, as He entered at the door
With friendship in His face
The strong man of the house rose up
And gave Him honoured place.
Then, as He took the offered seat--
Guest at an alien board--
The woman of the house brought out
The best she could afford.

It was like breathing mountain air
Or wind which comes over the sea;
It was like rain on a thirsty land
To be in His company.

Now came the touch He loved the best:
The children of the household pressed
So close to that most friendly Guest
Determined not to miss a thing
Just for the want of listening
And presently a small clear voice
Spoke, and half shyly said,
'Would you please to tell us a story, Sir,
Before we go to bed?'

He looked in her face with His kindly look--
That shy little five-year-old;
'Shall I tell you the tale of a little lost lamb
The shepherd brought back to the fold?'

Gently He spoke, but it came to pass
His voice was heard in the street,
And swift as the breeze in the aspen trees
Came the sound of hastening feet.
His voice had been heard and their hearts were stirred
As they wandered up and down,
And into that long-lost house they came,
The lost folk of the town.

In at the door
They came by the score.
Wild-eyed, bold faced terrible folk
Hung upon every word He spoke.
Everyone who had ears to hear
Eagerly, hungrily, drawing near.
Silken mantle or beggar's cloak,
The soul beneath it was moved and woke,
Saying so wistfully over and o'er
'Never man spake like this before'.

Lovingly Jesus sat with them,
Too courteous to intrude.
To some, maybe, it might seem that He
Had forgotten to do them good.
Yet He was the only Man who knew
The heart of a sinner through and through.
And only He heard the speechless plea,
'Find me, Lord Jesus,
Even me.'

Until lost sheep,
Lost coin,
Lost son,
Was found again--
Found again--
Every one.

When He rose to go, small fingers tried
To hold His hands and His robe beside.
The midnight cock had crowed before
Those glad folk followed Him out the door.
He went by the light of the harvest moon
And the children called after Him:
'Come again, soon;
Come again,
Come again, soon.'

I received an email this evening and in it my dear friend shared how the Lord had touched her so many years ago and changed her life. It reminded me how fortunate we are to have a loving Savior and Friend who sticks closer than a brother.

This poem by Fay reminds me of the very night the Lord, Himself came to me and stayed by my side until the morning, when I would be alright. The very next day I gave my life to Him. Situations and circumstances in my life led to me crying out to Him. And He came to me. Me, in all my ugliness, filthiness and wretchedness. I was amazed that He came to me in my used and abused state. But He did and He stayed until I was able to get help the next day. Help from a Dear Auntie who I knew would encourage me and together we would grow and walk with Him.

The Lord gives grace to the humble, that's what His Word says. I was floating on grace, no, I was swaddled in it. My life has never been the same since. I was like those lost folk of the town, that lost sheep, that lost coin, the lost son. And I was so worth it to Him. Me. Worth it to Him. And are worth it to Him too. You are ever so valuable to the Lord. And He longs to bless you with His breathing mountain air or wind which comes over the sea, like rain on a thirsty land-ahhh to be in His company.

I can say, that night, long ago: alone, death hovering near, self-inflicted stupidity, a feeble attempt to cloud, to mask years of hurt...He came to me and breathed His breath into me and gave me to drink of His living water...and gave me life and promise of a new day-and it was like sunrise over the mountaintops, the warm sand at the ocean and the bubbling, clear water in a mountainside stream. I pray we can learn to remain there, in His presence-in the Spirit.

My little list for The Thousand Gifts:

#11 shelter in the storm
#12 hugs for someone who truly needs to be loved
#13 tears before the Lord-my Father-leading to peace
#14 pretty icicles dripping
#15 a helpful son

Lord, I thank You that You find us valuable:so valuable that You gave Your life for us-even in our unworthy state. While we were yet sinners, You died for us, to give us life. Breathe Your breath upon us Lord, baptize us in Your Holy Spirit and that we may walk with You-giving You glory, forever. Amen

Remember your testimony-it will strengthen your armor. Commit your plans to the Lord and let Him order your Home-sweet Things. Then, whatever you do, in word or deed, do all in the Name of the Lord. xo

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Instant In and Out of Season...

Hello Friends. I have come to the conclusion that I am not in charge of my house (something I should have known all along).

The Lord is.

Right after I put my house together the way "I" wanted it: my dining room, my studio, my living room, MY comes another homeless young person needing a place to lay his head. This has happened to us so many times over the years I should have known that after the last time...after I said "No more!"...God said, "Once more..." And so, I have spent this week undoing my purple pantry for a more noble cause. I am relinquishing my rights to my house and surrendering them to the Lord.

My husband did not bat an eye. He knows he is looked upon with a questioning eye by his co-workers for taking in youth. He knows many people frown on the attempt to make any kind of difference in someone's life. Some friends and some family and even people who call themselves "Christians" think we are insane and even chide us for being "naive" and "foolish" to seriously think it would make a difference.

Even when we took in the young man (18 yrs old) who was sleeping in the back of a truck trailer in the middle of winter with no coat and no warm blanket-near a junkyard in a shady part of town. He would sneak into the junkyard at night when no one would see him.

My son brought him home one night while I was asleep. He was so happy to be warm. When my son told me about him, I made him the hugest breakfast and he ate until he was full and he made this comment to my son, "Wow, no one has ever been that nice to me." What would you do with that? I went in my room and cried...there was no question that he would come and stay with us and never sleep again in a cold trailer shivering alone. He stayed long enough to detox from heroin, he got a couple of jobs but didn't keep them. He moved in with his brother after our "let's make progress" deadline...and once in awhile he pops in. I don't know where he's staying right now (my sons keep tabs on him), and if he ever needs anything-I pray he knows we care and I pray that at some point he learns to trust the Lord enough to give his life to Him.

We've been used and abused by some of our house guests. Some of them were dirty, some were recovering drug addicts, some were totally out of control, some stole from us-but when each one left, I cried. Some stayed with us for months, some for weeks, some for days. We felt we should show God's love to them all. Some received Him, others refused Him. I still pray for them all. Yes, some made me very angry, but the Lord loves them and I am reminded to forgive seventy times seven. The love of the Lord will constrain me. And it does. And love never fails.

I have no idea why these young people come to us-I just know, if I am entertaining angels unawares, I want to do it with the right spirit. If Jesus came and needed a place to sleep, I'd clean my room from top to bottom and let Him sleep there. So, I can give my measly purple pantry to someone who asks of me. I am humbled by the opportunity from God to show His love to yet another who has need of Him. I am blessed by the opportunity to show unconditional love to someone who grew up without it.

If I am a fool for Christ's sake, and I err on the side of grace and love, then so be it. I only pray that I remain worthy to be instant when it's convenient and when it's not convenient.

I encourage you all to ask God how you can be "inconvenienced" for Him and for the opportunity to show His love to another human being on this planet who needs to see Him for real. Today is as good a day as any. Do something out of the ordinary in the Name of the Lord. He looks for willing hearts in people who believe every jot and tittle of his word. Faithful is He that calls you, Who also will do it. 1 Thess. 5:24

One Thousand Gifts...

#6 for the opportunity to enjoy my daughter Jynette's visits

#7 the fun call from my friend who is doing mission work thousands of miles away

#8 putting the house back in order

#9 laughter

#10 blessings of food in the pantry

Lord, help me to be a vessel fit for Your use. Thank you for the opportunity to show love to others in ways only you can know they need. I pray that I would be a witness of Your truth. Please provide for our new guest and let him see You in all we do. Thank You for choosing us to do things that seem foolish. Blessed be Your Name Lord. Amen

Be inconvenienced in the Home-Sweet Things and receive an opportunity to entertain angels unawares!!! x0

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

One Thousand Gifts

Hello Friends. I am daily inspired by a blog called Holy Experience. One day not long ago, I thought it would be a good lesson for me to post the things I am thankful to the Lord for and maybe encourage others to live in a state of thankfulness-after her example.

This scripture often comes to mind from Colossians 3:12-17:

12 Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering;
13 Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.
14 And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness.
15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.
16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
17 And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

I am encouraged to begin a journey of my own on the "Path of Thankfulness". The Lord has been so good, kind, patient and merciful to me since I began my walk with Him, I want to make a record of His love toward me.

Psalm 100

1 A Psalm of Thanksgiving. Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands!
2 Serve the Lord with gladness; Come before His presence with singing.
3 Know that the Lord, He is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
4 Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.
5 For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, And His truth endures to all generations.

For as long as it takes, I will take the time to see God in ways I've never noticed before. Even in the very smallest and simplest of blessings that I might otherwise overlook.

Here is Ann's post on The Thousand Gifts in her own words. When I figure out how to link my list to the graphic in the sidebar...I'll do that to keep the list in order. In the meantime...I'll have to stick them in my daily posts.

#1 the warmth of the woodstove on a cold, damp, gray day.

#2 the sound of fellowship among my children

#3 fellowship with a friend

#4 clothes drying on the clothesline in the basement near the woodstove

#5 a safe drive through much traffic near the city and back home again

I will end with a Fay Inchfawn poem:

I Will Give Thanks

I will give thanks to the Lord my God,
For His mercy endureth for ever,
He shortened the wearying path I trod,
For His mercy endureth for ever.

Patience He gave to my own home folk
With spirit to make, and see, a joke.
He gave me again the signs of health
And wonderful friends in the commonwealth.
For His mercy endureth for ever.

I will give thanks for a mended shoe;
And a small gas-ring in my bedroom, too;
That neighbours sometimes come in for tea,
And a cat of character lives with me.
For His mercy endureth for ever.

I will give thanks for a grand new book,
Pleasant and clean as a running brook,
Which turned my thoughts in times of stress
To the coming kingdom of righteousness.
For His mercy endureth for ever.

I will give thanks that I need not dread
Change, nor old age, for He has said
He will show unto me His quickening power.
His kindness is not for the passing hour-
His mercy endureth for ever.

Thank you, Lord, for the honor of Your presence in our lives, large and minute. I pray you help us to be ever aware of Your gifts and faithfulness toward us. Amen

Remember Dear Ones, always, to be thankful for the home-sweet things. x0

Monday, December 10, 2007

Pay It Forward

I found this opportunity to be a blessing on Jeanne's Life after reading this story on futuregirl's blog is such a wonderful story and a wonderful chance to bless 3 people I thought it would be a fun thing to do. So read below and if you think you'd like to participate...join the fun!!

Anyway, here's how it goes:

I will send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment on my blog requesting to join this Pay it forward exchange. I don’t know what that gift will be yet and you may not receive it tomorrow or next week, but you will receive it. The only thing you have to do in return is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog.

So, if you're one of the first 3 people to comment, copy and paste the above paragraph on your blog and share the crafty love!....of course, the challenge being, are there even enough people that read this blog to post?

So the race is on! First 3 people to post AND link on their blog that they are also doing the Pay it forward craft swap, I will mail you a Christmas wonderful!


I'd also like to take the opportunity to say that Jeanne's Grandmother Lenore is a very blessed woman-to be able to touch so many lives is a very noble thing and from what I read she is a jewel and her children (and her family) rise up and call her blessed! God bless Lenore and her family!

Lord, I thank you for the opportunity to read of such a giving woman and I pray that I will be as noble and kind and giving as she is. Let me be a blessing to all who pass through my life. In Jesus Name...Amen

Remember to be a blessing to others as you are given an opportunity to share in the home-sweet things. x0

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Remembering "Why" This Week...

Hello My Friends! Time to end my unintended bloggie absence. I pray all your Thanksgiving feast days were happy and blessed.

I wanted to make you all aware of Crystal Paine's blog challenge on Biblical Womanhood to: "Make Your Home a Haven". It started yesterday (December 3rd) so we haven't missed much. There are a lot of like-minded women who are sharing in the challenge. Go over and be encouraged!

I'm all for making your home a place where the world stays outside and inside it is orderly, calm and filled with the essence of God's gentle presence. I need all the encouragement I can get in this area of my life. We know a stay-at-home woman is not always understood nor respected. It seems, at times, that people think I don't do anything all day. Believe me, there are no bon-bons in my freezer-and I don't watch TV all day-nor do I have time to lay on the couch! I'm sure if you shared your experiences, you'd say the same!

I will admit, sometimes there is temptation to go out and find a little part-time job. Especially when I think about how tight things are financially. We've never really lived an over-the-top existence here. We've had lean times and times where we've had more than enough. We've never gone hungry and all our children had clothing to wear. We have learned to be content. I'm sure many of us are learning to do without "extras" since the hike in fuel and many other necessessities. Many of us are learning frugality as well.

I've been spending time reading many books and articles on making money at home. There are many of us doing this. I am working on some things I am passionate about and hopefully others will find them interesting and something they can use in their homeschool or in their homes too. I'm excited about it and cannot wait until it's all ready to launch!! (More on that soon!)

Every day this week I am spending 9:30-1:30 in my friend's real estate office to help her out while she is away. I used to sell real estate. Talk about stress, talk about patience, talk about forgiveness!!! I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia while under the stress of selling real estate. I'm in the office answering the phone and relaying messages and doing clerical work while she is away this week. It serves to reinforce my decision to stay at home and eventually work at home. Thank God, while it is not always easy financially, I have this option. Many of us don't and I feel that it is up to the church to minister to these women.

This is good for me, I want to journal and blog this to remind myself why I came home, why I was so convicted, why I was absolutely convinced that it was the best thing for my family and me. I get to remember what it is like to run out the door every morning and leave what needs to be done here for when I get home. I am also remembering how tired dealing with people can make you. It reminds me of what a working woman goes through in a day and then goes home tired to keep her home on top of it.

Lord, help us to remember to always be thankful no matter what our situation is and trust You to help us find a solution in our circumstances. You are always interested in what concerns us. We want to trust You. Remind us by Your Spirit that what's not done in faith is sin. Help us to walk in faith in You and not by what we see. Guide us to fulfill Your will in our lives. Amen

Appreciate the Home-Sweet Things every moment!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Anniversary Day

On a beautiful, sunny and warm November 14th day-26 years ago-my husband and I exchanged vows and became husband and wife. 26 years is not so long to someone married 40 or 50 years-but I feel it's an accomplishment nonetheless. I was a young girl of 19 and he was 20. We were so very naive. We didn't know the Lord and I guess we thought we could get along just fine without Him. I was thinking today how happy I am that God the Father grabbed ahold of me when I was 23. Then He grabbed ahold of Dave and He has been so very good to us and kept us. I could not imagine life without Him now.

One of my sons' friends once told me that Dave and I were "like the only parents still married." I was so sad to know that and it made me feel the importance of a godly marriage. In a day when divorce is rampant, 26 years seems like a lifetime to a teenager.

We didn't do anything grand or marvelous today. We ordered pizza and wings and our daughter Jynette was here and we visited and ate together.

This little poem reminds me of how women wait for their husbands to come home whether they are away or just away from home working for the day. You look for them when it gets time for them to arrive home. When the children were little, I remember them waving ever so long at their Daddy from the window when he was leaving for work, Dave would stop in the road to wave at them from the car. Then when it was time for him to come home from work, how they would greet him at the door!

No little feet run to greet him at the door now. Well, no human feet. We have a little chihuahua named "Taco" or "Mr. T" who absolutely claims Dave as his buddy...and he hears Dave every time he pulls up by the house when he gets home from work. He gets so excited that Dave's home. This alerts me too and I greet him at the door.

It matters to a husband to have his wife consider him the most important thing when he gets home. I try to stop what I'm doing and take a bit of time with Dave, asking about his day and just showing him that he matters. I've had all day to do things my way, now I'm taking a bit of time to let Dave know he's most important to me. It makes a big difference when I give him preference in this way. It is the one part of the day we get to spend time relaxing together. I'll pour some tea and take some quiet time. I like to visit with Dave, we talk about all kinds of things. I've learned so much from him over the years. He's full of life-skill lessons and I am blessed to be his bride. Here's the poem:


His step? Ah, no; 'tis but the rain
That hurtles on the window pane.
Let's draw the curtains close and sit
Beside the fire awhile and knit.
Two purl -- two plain. A well-shaped
And warm. (I thought I heard a knock,
But 'twas the slam of Jones's door.)
Yes, good Scotch yarn is far before
The fleecy wools -- a different thing,
And best for wear. (Was that his ring?)
No. 'Tis the muffin man I see;
We'll have threepennyworth for tea.
Two plain -- two purl; that heel is neat.
(I hear his step far down the street.)
Two purl -- two plain. The sock can
I'll make the tea. (He's at the gate!)

Lord, let us all be thankful for our husbands and those we care about. Help us to remember to let them know how much we enjoy spending time with them. Help us to see there is nothing else so important to us as them. Help us to allow You to direct our lives according to Your Word. Thank you so much Lord for Your gifts to us. Amen

God bless you as you set about your day. Bless you as you wait upon loved ones to return to the home-sweet things.


Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Home-Sweet Things...

Good Evening. It is late but I wanted to get the photos on here that I've been promising for a time now. I only got as far as the back wall of my living room at this point. I intend to do more as Thanksgiving approaches. This will take time for me as I am still working on decluttering. I honestly tell you this is a radical move for me. I am enjoying the process, but my health continues to hinder me. I cherish your prayers and am still looking into some things I can do to ease the symptoms of this fibromyalgia.

Anyway...I didn't get on here to talk about that. So without further is the first photo:

I will just share some of the photos I put through PSP for fun.

Here is a fun side view of the back corner...

I am no photographer, nor do I claim to be an interior decorator. I am just having fun!

Well...I will add more as soon as I take some. I want to make/add some lightweight wool curtains for the windows. I have to take a trip to Joann Fabrics soon. I've got so many things I need to get done, this will be one more thing for the long list!

And so, that is all for now. I need to finish up in the kitchen and check the fire for the night and get some sleep.

Lord, Please bless each Dear One as they prepare for the holidays. Bless the work of their hands and I pray they begin to plan ahead to have order and peace in a time that can be very hurried. Help us to be truly thankful. Amen

God bless you as you prepare your home-sweet things for the coming holidays! Good Night. x0

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Who Is The Greatest?

The Greatest

Who should be greatest?
Like a scorpion flung
Into our midst the notion flamed and stung.
The greatest of the Twelve!
My baser self asked: 'Why
Shoud it not--indisputably--be I?

The Disciple Jesus loved!
Loved in a special way.
I read it in His eyes.
Did they not say
Time and again
'I love thee'?

Then, as time went on
Others remarked upon
The Master's love for John--
Might that not mean
Some greatness yet to be
Would show itself in me?

Thus I mused--till He,
The only great One of our company--
Riseth from supper and before we knew
His purpose--He had put His robe aside
Each act a mute rebuke to all our pride--
And from the dust of old Jerusalem's street
Jesus began to wash His disciples feet.

But when I saw Him kneel,
Then torment seized my soul--
And bitter shame.
I, whom He had so loved
And known by name--
He with the royal lineage
In His face!
And I had let Him fill
A servant's place.

'Twas too late then to say
'Let me--O let me, Lord--I pray
Take towel and basin from Thee
And kneel down
Lower than dust!'

Instead, I had to bear
Touch of His hands--and--worst of all--surprise--
Love, undiminished--
Shining in His eyes.

But when
His task complete He took His seat again--
Like a forgiven child
Whose simple trust had never been defiled,
Weeping I turned--my littleness confessed
To lean my head once more upon His breast.

Fay Inchfawn

Hello Friends. When I read this poem, it brought tears to my eyes. How often do I puff up and think more of myself than I ought? How often do I forget that a great price was paid to redeem me and there is nothing in me that is of any use? That is a humbling statement and not easily received. All-every ounce of-my righteousness is as filthy rags. But-God did not leave me in my sad, pitiful state. He had mercy on me and revealed Himself to me. Of course, I (not being properly taught or discipled-which is still no excuse!) and thinking I was doing the right things...picked up my salvation and started running. And I ran...far, far from where my Father wanted me to go-all the while spouting Christian-ese and trying to keep my filthy rags of self from showing. It must be said, one cannot keep up the farce for long. At some point, the filthy rags show and the flesh creeps out and pride slithers and out of the selfish mire crawls all manner of spiritual filth. Heaping up teachers and having itching ears-anything that puffs up and makes the self smile...whatever it takes for the deceitfully wicked heart to convince me that I'm just fine. Then, when I stopped and looked back over where I had gone, I did not recognize the path I had taken, you was a wide path before me-one that had swallowed me up like a giant fish whose name is Deception.

How easily we can be deceived and even by our own hearts(Jeremiah 17:9)! The Word of God is not meant to pamper the flesh. Did you know that? Almost every preacher you hear today on TV feeds you a "feel-good" teaching. I warn you my not be deceived...the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12) I don't know-but I think if I was pierced by a two-edged sword-it would hurt my flesh. Don't add to the Word of God but take it in it's most pure form. If God says something is wrong-don't twist it to make it right and vice-versa. I would remind you of the many deceivers that will come in the last days as mentioned in the Bible and the false teachers-these people will tell you, "Jesus is Lord"-they are manipulators and their only goal is to mix The Word with subtle lies for the purpose of drawing you off the Narrow Path and have you join in the great falling away. Don't get drawn to a side-path-they are not paved by God. His Way is narrow-so narrow and difficult that few find it (Matthew 7:14). There is no other way. You enter at the Narrow Gate and you walk the Difficult Way. Please, walk carefully using His Word as your road map and the Light to your path so you are not seduced off the true and only way to Life.

I thank God, through Jesus Christ, He shows me His Way-His Path. It is not the way of this kingdom of selfishness, but of The Kingdom of His Dear Son. Christ's servanthood shines-brightly-to those who have need of an example. Every person who calls themselves a Christian must remove the robe of the old man of self-effort and selfishness and the flesh and don the servant's robe of the New Man-that Man who was our ensample...the Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, put on the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 13:14). If you read the Gospels and look for Christ's examples of servanthood you will find them aplenty.

I'm sure I'm not sharing anything you don't already know. I only hope to exhort you and remind you of the path of Christ. It is not a path that can be walked in the flesh, it can only be trod by following the leading of the Holy Spirit. I encourage you to get in the Word and see Jesus as the Servant He was and pray to begin to understand how that applies in your own lives. God desires, through Christ-in-us, to radiate from us, to be salt and light in a very, very dark kingdom. The light of a life-dead to self/alive to Christ. His Light slices through the deepest dark and the Father is glorified. Isn't that the whole purpose? Nevertheless, not what I will, but what He wills. Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; On You I wait all the day. (Psalm 25:4 and 5)

Oh Lord, help us to see Your calling on our lives. Not fame or fortune. Not recognition of man, but to become the least in order to truly do Your works. Help us not to stray from Your path. Give us discernment when the enemy would attempt to cloud our vision with deception. Thank you that You do not leave us on our own but You come to us in the form of the Holy Spirit and take our hand and lead us on The Way. Help us to wait on You before we make a move. Amen

God will guide us each moment as we seek to serve those He places in our lives. The greatest in God's Kingdom is the one who becomes the least. Remember, even as you bless others in your home you are glorifying the Father in the home-sweet things. x0

A Little While

Reward and Service

The sweetest lives are those to duty wed,
Whose deeds both great and small
Are close-knit strands of an unbroken thread,
Where love enobles all.
The world may sound no trumpets, ring no bells,
The Book of Life the slurring record tells.

Thy love shall chant its own beatitudes,
After its own like working. A child's kiss
Set on thy singing lips shall make thee glad;
A poor man served by thee shall make thee rich;
A sick man helped by thee shall make thee strong;
Thou shalt be served thyself by every sense
Of service which thou renderest.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Hello my Dears. I know it's been a bit since my last post. I wanted to get on here and say "Hello" and let you know everything's alright, I've just been very busy. Too busy, and now it feels good to know I will be home preparing this house for Thanksgiving feast in a few weeks.

I did get some pretty primitive harvest decor out and played with it in my living room. I took photos and will share a few tomorrow since it's so late now. I was inspired by a magazine page and totally went bonkers changing color schemes and decided to bring out the browns and the yellow/tea-stained things and the old books and the old prints of birds. It was all with things I already had stored and tucked here and there in my stash (remember-I told you I was a collector!).

Now I am looking for something suitable to make curtains out of for the winter. I was going to make window quilts-but for the living room at least I will make some heavy-type curtains that can be pulled back in the day. So that is my newest quest for my home-some type of woolen or wool blend cloth to make pretty, yet practical curtains with.

Well, it is late and I don't want to dwell on here too long. Tomorrow I can share other things with you.

I pray you are all well. I pray the Lord keeps you and your families. I pray He is still revealing ways you can keep the Home-sweet things.


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Just A Quick Hello

I wanted to pop in here and say "Hello" to everyone before I hit the hay.

I have had a quiet day spent pondering what I can do around here to spruce it up for fall. I think I will go on a bittersweet vine search tomorrow and I have some fun ideas that I want to do to bring some of the outside-in. I love the outdoors and don't get outside as much as I did when my children were younger.I will charge up my camera and hopefully I'll be able to get some indoor photos of a couple of areas I got to have fun in.

One thing I need to sit and work on are my new living room curtains. I have the cloth, I just haven't had the time. Maybe this coming week. I have old thrifted vintage sheers hanging there, but I want to make some heavier panels to hang over them for the colder weather. I also have some old vintage fabric given to me years ago by my friend Linda, that I want to use for the valances. It will be painful for me to cut it, but for goodness sake...why hold onto it in storage and not enjoy it? It's so pretty and will make lovely valances. (Linda, if you read's the old cover from May's daybed that you gave me years ago.) I've always been saving it for the perfect project...well, it will look so pretty with my apple green living room.

Anyhow-I'm chattering your ears off and I do have some things to share, but I need to go rest for the night and hopefully I'll have some fun things to put on here tomorrow night to encourage your creativity.

Thank you Lord, for the gift of creativity-may we use it for your glory. Thank you for the season of the harvest and let us remember the true harvest is the one that we reap for eternity. Amen

Enjoy your homes Dear Friends...God has placed in us the desire to make our homes a place we can enjoy, a place to express the creative spirit made after Him. Take the time to make a cozy spot, or fix up a little corner for your own. Just remember, no matter how humble our attempt at creativity-we glorify God when we take the time to make the home-sweet things lovely-a place where our families can rest! xoxoxo

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Consider the Lilies

I won't write much tonight Dear Friends. It is late and I am tired and my pillow calls my name. I still need to do the rest of my dishes and set up the coffee for Dave in the morning-my husband who, no matter how he feels, gives of himself, as he has done for years, to bless and provide for his family.

I received my first Fay Inchfawn book in the mail today. It is called "Think of the Lilies." It is a collection of her works over the years. It's copyright is 1970. She was older and still had much to share from the wisdom she had gained over the years. Here is something from the book:

Think of the Lilies
by Fay Inchfawn

These lines are a tribute to the unknown person who remembered not so much the doctrinal words of Jesus but just this thought about the lilies.

Whenever they met together
That favoured company
Who had heard the Lord of the Ages
Say: 'Come and travel with me!'

Whenever they met together
To talk in the after days
They would retell to each other
His wonderful words and ways.

Tides great and deep were moving
Stirring the souls of men-
And words which the Master had spoken
Were passing precious then.

His close friends-Philip and Andrew-
His chief friends-Peter and John-
Had stored up marvellous treasure
Which they could draw upon.

But who, I wonder, remembered
That once on a summer day
Jesus said: 'Think of the lilies
Growing their beautiful way.'

It was surely some flower-lover
Who kept those words in mind.
It may have been a woman
Whose face was worn and lined.

It is likely she had been spinning
Till sundown the day before.
It is likely she had been grinding
Corn for her larder store.

And still she was anxiously planning
How to get food and clothes-
Enough for the needs of her household.
And that was the moment He chose
For saying: Think of the lilies.

And then, as she looked on His face
All her anxiety vanished
And left itself not a trace.

No wonder she told her story
With a rapt and radiant look.
No wonder Think of the lilies
Was written down in the Book.

When I read this, I just knew I had to share it. If you are anything like me, you ponder bills and provisions and make lists and budgets and check pantry stock and wonder where and how it will all be provided.

And then...just as I am about to wonder again...the wonderful Word of the Lord comes to me. I remember the part about casting my cares upon Him for He cares for me and I remember the lilies and I remember the birds and that every hair on my head is numbered. And then the Holy Spirit reminds my heart of the verse I am to live by: "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto me." Plain and simple, no worrying required.

Keep your eyes on Him, on His Kingdom and He will take care of the rest. He takes care for us because we were not meant to have cares. He has provided the way for us to remove every burden of this kingdom, of which we are to be strangers. Let us look on His face and every anxiety will vanish.

As the song says:

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace."

Lord, help us to learn to trust you to take full care of us. Teach us how to lay down our worries and cares at your feet and leave them there. Remind us that worry is not a fruit of your Spirit. Let us understand that You, our Love, always protect us and You never fail. Thank you Lord, that you taught us to consider, to think on the lilies and the sparrows-and that You told us God cares for us more than them. Oh that we could look on Your face and have full understanding of You. Amen

Bless God for His provision to us, His children. Praise Him as He provides you with what you need for the Home-sweet things. Good night! x0